Monday, April 13, 2009

How Do You Get Paid?

NeoBux can pay through Paypal or Alertpay. If you don't have a credit card, you can set it up with your bank account. If you don't have a bank account, and are under 18, you can use your parents account/credit card, or just use their paypal account.

Once you have earned $2 in your Balance, you can either choose to instantly send it to whichever account you choose (paypal or alertpay). Or if you wish you can leave it in your NeoBux balance, and use it to rent referrals, or just let it sit there until you are ready for a bigger payout.

They pay instantly. I've been paid a few times by them so far.

If you want to make a lot of money from NeoBux asap, I suggest renting at least 100 Referrals to start off. I did on my third day, and was growing very fast.

Rent every 7 days or whenever you can.

Read my other posts or signup free here: NeoBux

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